Welcome to my Website!

I am a full-time student at UW-Madison, majoring in mathematics and engineering physics. I do research as a part of the Cersonsky Group in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, where we use computational techniques to learn about chemical systems. In my free time I like learning about math and programming, listening to music, and playing chess.

Here are some cool things I've worked on/am working on:

Computing the Heesch numbers of polykites

As a part of the Madison Experimental Mathematics Lab, I worked with three other undergraduates on an interesting problem in geometry. Inspired by the aperiodic monotile discovered in 2023, we decided to look into other so-called polykites: shapes made up of glued-together kites. A shape's Heesch number is the number of concentric rings that copies of the shape can form without leaving gaps or overlapping. Over the course of a semester, we developed a computer program to compute these numbers, and successfully obtained the Heesch numbers of n-kites, all the way through n = 7.